The House of Doodles is pleased to share some of our puppy owner's correspondence and photos with you. We are committed to providing our puppies and their new forever families the best possible care and information. We love hearing from our puppy families about all their activities and achievements. Our puppies go from our loving home to yours with the latest information on puppy ownership and care.
Hi Fran,
I think about you often, admiring your professionalism. You are really good at what you do and the proof is in James. James is sweet, affectionate and goofy. His fur is still soft, lightening with remaining patches of apricot at the ears and saddle. He loves to sit on your feet while chewing a bone. And he's a good swimmer and retriever. Atticus hugs him every chance he gets. Even though he's nearing 20 pounds (of long legs and fur, as far as I can), Atticus still likes to cradle him like a baby and carry him around and James doesn't object. He is basically a lap dog who has outgrown our laps. We are still hoping we can leave James with you in August when we plan to go out of town for ten days, if that is still convenient for you. Norman is hugely in love with James and, to my alarm, has already mentioned getting another dog as a James companion. As the primary caretaker of James, Atticus and Norman, I may not be there yet. But you never know.
Best regards,

Hello Fran,
I hope this email finds you well. Your ears must be ringing because every time I go out with Miles and Teddy ( his big brother) people stop to ask me what kind of dogs they are and where can they get one. The last person I gave your contact information to was my neighbor Linda Yusman, her 17 year chocolate lab died recently and she wants a
medium labradoodle like Miles to keep her yorkie company : ) I looked at your site and saw that you are going to be breeding the handsome Fred this spring so I told her to call you soon to reserve a puppy ahead of time. I attached a few pictures of Miles from his first boat outing in Key West 2 weeks ago. At the end of the day he was pooped out and fell asleep on a mop. Miles is the sweetest and most docile dog. He loves to jump on Teddy, bite his hair and pull on his ears but it's just for fun : )
We absolutely LOVE him!!! I wish we could get more doodles from you.....
All the best!
Hi Fran,
This is Ali, Roger's mom. I am the one that has the autistic daughter, Sarah. Roger has not only become a major part of our family, he has learned how to read Sarah, instinctively, in order to help communicate her needs, etc. to those around her when she cannot verbally do it herself. It is remarkable. One of Sarah's biggest deficits is language/communication. It is wild that Roger has picked that up.
Thank you for bringing Roger into our lives!!!

Hi Fran,
Hope all is well. I'm finally getting around to sending you a few pictures of Rudy. I was in the dog park last week and got so many compliments for him - especially for his unusual chocolate coat! One girl asked me for your information as she is thinking of getting one. I told her of the wonderful experience we had with you and how pleased we were to get Rudy. I didn't catch her name but I hope she reaches out to you. I now keep the batch of business cards you gave me in my car in the event someone asks. I see Samie and Philosopher will soon be having another litter. I hope they have a litter as beautiful as Rudy and have the same temperament. He is absolutely a joy to have and such a big part of our family.
Take care,
Hi Fran,
Just wanted to say hello and give you an update on our precious girl. She is quite the girl. We did our basic obedience training and passed just fine. Then we went into advanced obedience training called Proofing and she shined in that class. She is a regular little show off, loves to learn and work in front of an audience. She loves everyone and every dog. People always stop me to tell me she is beautiful. She is now 11 months old and has passed her Canine Good Citizenship test. They threw things at us we have never done or practiced. She passed like a trooper. On Sept 16th we are starting the Therapy Training course. Both our trainer our vet say she will be the perfect therapy dog. Our goal is to work with the Children's Reading Program, Autistic program and be able to visit hospitals or nursing homes. I promise she will never be stressed our or overworked on our journey.
God Bless,

Hey Fran,
Chesney is doing great. He has been to the beach, which he seemed to like, and looked like a little drowned rat after swimming in a 2 foot puddle! Cute though! He's been on the boat twice now, and really seems to love it. He is so calm, just seemed like he had always been
on a boat from the first moment. He just finds himself a spot, and lays down. Today we went offshore, and he got to see a fish up close. Not sure he cared, I was mostly trying to get the thing out before a hook went flying! He did really good though! To date, he has not woken me up at night at all since that 3rd night. He gets up every morning when the first child stirs, usually the little one, at 6:30. He has just turned out to be a perfect dog! I think once he
loses those little needles for teeth, it will be great. Adam has a little trouble with them, b/c he is the dog's size and Chesney seems to think he is a litter mate sometimes and puppy nips him. He was 16 pounds already on Thurs. at the vets! One of the girls up
front just went crazy over him, and labeled him her new favorite do in the clinic! We also took him to the ballfield, and he seemed to gather a crowd there too! I may need to get him a styling pair of sunglasses and a bodyguard before it is all said and done! Needless to say, I am really happy with him and think he is really happy with us! I am sending you a couple pics, I hope they come thru! Hope all is
Take care, and Happy Mother's Day!
Hi Fran,
We are doing great!!! Tebow is such a wonderful addition to our family and brings so much joy to us all. He just “graduated” from his puppy training classes and he will move up to the next round after the holidays. He is fully housetrained, and has mastered sit, down, off and walking properly on his leash. The trainer was so impressed with his intelligence and the way he is so tender yet responsive to the kids. He will also be getting neutered after the holidays. Here are a couple of old photos and a new one that we just took. Let me know if you have a problem viewing them.
Have a great Thanksgiving holiday.
- Marnie Herren

Here are some pic's of our little girl on her 1st birthday. She is quite the dog, smart and loving. Loves riding in the car, loves vegetables including dill pickles. She is a talker, lets us know when its time to go out and when Kath go out she whines and when she returns Kasey really gives her the business with a growly lecture, really funny to watch. She is also a pillow hog, if one of us gets up during the night she immediately is on the pillow and its hard to make her move, she sleeps on her back with all 4 legs in the air. GREAT FAMILY ADDITION. She really needs a playmate but we are going to wait on that for a while. Will be sending more pic's can only send 3 at a time.
Hope all is well,
Walt & Kathy Densmore

Dear Fran and Ralph,
Just wanted to drop you a note and let you know what a perfect little lady we have in Lilly. It's hard to believe she's only five months old, we feel like she's been part of our family forever. She is the belle of the neighborhood and everyone adores her. Her manners are impeccable for a pup her age. Her coat feels like silk and she draws compliments from everyone she meets. She prances around like the diva she is although she is always ready for a romp with her boy "Tony". I still can't believe she doesn't shed! And as far as Tony's allergies are concerned, we've never had a problem. Thank you so much for listening to our needs and supplying us with the sweetest little girl we could have asked for. Our Lilly is an answer to our prayers. She sleeps in her crate in her boy's bedroom and is sure to wake him up each morning at 6:45, giving her just enough time for a little love before he heads out for school. In the afternoon she stands by the back door eager to jump in the car and once again greet her boy after school lets out. Most of the school kids know her by now and call out to her as we wait in the car line. She really is a celebrity here in Hobe Sound. Our favorite restaurant even pulls up a chair for her in the
outdoor dining area.
Blessings, love and prayers, Deb, Tom, Tony and his girl Lilly
PS. Okay, she's much bigger than I'd hoped for but she is such a lover. Will she ever figure out that she's not a lap dog?

I am glad you finally got the pictures! Hope to see them on your new website, it looks great! Buddy is great, he is part of the family and we love him so much. He is such a good boy! It's hard to believe he is 5 months already and he is so big! We are due at the vet again and I am anxious to see how much he weighs. He is a very active puppy but a good listener, he loves to jump on everyone and everything currently so we are trying to work on that. He sits for us and is a pretty good listener. We think about you a lot!
Hope all is well and please keep in touch!
When we count our blessings, we count Cooper twice!! Not only is he a beloved part of our family, he also serves as an emotional support dog for our son, who suffers from anxiety. He even gets to go to school with him, and it's made all the difference in the world! Cooper is truly the best dog ever, and we are forever grateful to The House of Doodles for our fury family member!
Julia Pratt

Hi Fran,
It has been almost 2 years since Stella was born. She came into my life at 8 weeks and she has been such a wonderful addition to my life. I have had many different breeds in my lifetime, from mutt to St. Bernard to West Highland White Terrier to Pug. There is not another like Stella. She is pure Joy! Loves everyone, is my shadow....never far away from me. She is super bright, super friendly, looks for people and other dogs when we walk. If I pick up the keys, she goes nuts and dances all the way to the car. She sits in the car like a person with a seat belt on. You picked her for me....she is perfect. She has some of the most adorable behavior. She jumps into my lap facing the TV and lifts her paw for me to hold her hand. I cannot imagine life without her. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate the effort you put into breeding your pups....and to thank you for my Stella. She brings so much joy into my life.