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If you are interested in pet therapy training contact


Jessie Clifford. She is the director of humane education at the humane society.



or contact


The Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Inc.




The House of Doodles is proud to be a past participate in the Star Bright Therapy Dog's program. Our doodles attended many events around the community. Our doodles participate in the 'Waggin' Tales Reading Program through the St. Lucie County Library System. The program has many benefits to the children of our community.


In order for a dog to be eligible for participation in therapy programs, they must complete an extensive training and evaluation process. After completion, they are eligible to become members of the Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Inc. Some of the benefits include primary accident and liability insurance, as well as evaluations, testing, training, and support for therapy dogs.


Our doodles stay active and well socialized, giving back to their community at the same time. Therapy dogs offer so many benefits and rewards to people in nursing homes, medical facilities, and other community programs. People often feel depressed and isolated. Visiting dogs helps break the monotony of everyday routines; people become more attentive during and after visits. Interaction with the therapy dogs encourages many desired results, such as increased mobility, exercise, companionship, and so much more.


The original purpose for the breeding of Labradoodles was to produce service dogs. With the Labradoodle's love for human company, their gentle temperament, and their easy trainability - the Labradoodle makes an excellent choice for therapy work.

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Works at Boynton Beach Police Department

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The House of Doodles

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